On Tuesday, March 22, several student disciples and ministry leaders went to Urbana Champaign to support the I-Vine ministry founded by J*oshua Hong. They went on campus to share the gospel to students and invite them to know Christ. The UIC Mark’s discipleship group (L*ydia Shin, M*usa, G*race, and R*aphael) joined in order to practically apply Mark 6 – to participate in the rejection and suffering that Christ went through. Just as the disciples were sent out two-by-two, the student disciples and ministry leaders paired up two-by-two to pray for an hour around the campus and then invite UIUC students to Jesus. Afterwards, they went to eat and debrief. They were rejected left and right, but they learned that it is God who brings the people to Himself and were very encouraged. And by God’s amazing grace, 5 students responded positively to the invitation. The Holy Spirit is working in them and through them. Praise God. 

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