by Marna P.

I want to share about a Venezuelan Refugee family, and first-time attendance to the Spanish worship service.

I was first introduced to them back in early January through Dindo from UIC and offered to pick them up from their housing and take the family to attend the 11- AM Sunday service in English. Along with this, I was able to observe their eagerness to attend the 11- AM service. I have also been noticing the love and respect they have for God. I admire how they have been parenting their 3 children, by being respectful well spoken with good manners, specifically teaching them about the love of God and Jesus Christ. Another of my observations, in addition to the commitment they show in attending the Sunday service, is noticing the respect and gratitude they have towards both Dindo and Pastor Kevin. I watched how the kids embraced Dindo, which in my opinion is a very touching and kind gesture. To pastor Kevin, Jhon, the father, expresses his gratitude for taking their family back home and shares that Pastor Kevin’s wife cooks very deliciously. Jhon also shared he loves the worship music not to mention the orchestra, in his words. I engaged to pick them up every Sunday, with someone else providing a ride back home for them. Recently I just began taking them also to the Spanish worship service which takes place at the NEIU bible house just before the 11- AM service. They were very welcomed, as always, by the Spanish fellowship, they also were attentive and engaged throughout the whole Spanish service.

To give a little back story the family has traveled long and far from their homeland in Venezuela, South America. They shared how they spent time living in Colombia and then in Mexico. The children, even though they are young remember clearly their time spent living in these two countries, they share how they remember Mexican food being spicy. They now reside in Chicago and if it is God’s will, they plan to make a home here. May God provide and protect this Venezuelan family wherever they go. I don’t know what God’s plans are with regard to continually attending UBF, but one thing I know for sure, they will always remember God’s love and compassion being received by those at Chicago UBF.

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