In preparation for our United Christmas Worship Service, we had 3 weeks of evening prayer meetings. From November 27-December 15, we met every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:30- 7:30 pm. These meetings were held in the church sanctuary and rotated every night. We listened to testimonies, had group bible studies and prayer sessions.

Week 1: To start the first week we heard sincere testimonies from 3 of our Chicago Elders; Paul K., Daniel P., and Matt M. They shared their testimonies based on the previous Sunday passage; Mark 11:20-25. Paul K: God demonstrates his divine power through those who have mountain-moving faith. The essence of prayer is faith. Daniel P.: Was inspired by the song: “Heart of Worship” He shared about having a heart of worship because God looks much deeper within us. In the chaos of the world and the chaos of our lives, we need to listen to the still small voice of God. Matt M.: Check your heart before praying, we must forgive people before praying. It can feel impossible. How can we do the impossible? We must acknowledge that we can’t do it on our own and cry out to God, in Jesus’ name, to overcome.

For the second meeting on Wednesday, we had an interactive bible study led by P. Mark on Matthew 2:1-2. We discussed how the magi presented gifts to baby Jesus in worship and submission before him honoring him as king. We have to humble ourselves when we come to worship Jesus. Surrending our whole selves holding nothing back. Our second bible study for that week was organized in small groups and led by P. David. The passage studied for that night was Isaiah 40:1-11. Each group had a representative come up and share key points and themes that they shared in their groups.

Week 2: For the 2nd week, we started with two inspiring testimonies by Missionary Luke M, and UIC student Grace M. Luke M. shared about his faith and Grace M. talked about her experience with sharing the gospel before her class during finals. At first, she was fearful but after witnessing one of her friends share openly about their faith she felt encouraged to do so. Afterward, a student approached her to tell how her sincere words moved them. We ended the meeting by pairing in groups of three and praying for 30 minutes.

On the second day; 2 Loyola representatives shared their testimonies, Rich R. and Victor R. Rich’s testimony was based on the previous Sunday passage Isaiah 40: 1-11 “Hope”. He shared how he was touched by how God comforts his people. Victor R. reflected on his work as a church intern as he struggled with fishing on campus and realized that his issue was his mindset, which was not focused on God. So he felt renewed after realizing he had to put God first. On Friday of the second week, we had a group bible study led by Pastor John S. based on the upcoming passage Isaiah 54:1-17, “Peace”.

Week 3: For the third week, two representatives came up and shared testimonies based on the previous Sunday’s passage Isaiah 54:1-17 “Peace”. Denise R. and Jack M. openly shared about being the fellowship leader for the Oakton ministry, at first, he felt unqualified but after seeing how blessed and fruitful the Oakton ministry has come to be he realized how it was God’s will and blessing to make him a fellowship leader.

On Wednesday, 4 people shared their testimonies: Young L. (NU), Annie L. Jr. (NU), Hosea L. (NU), and Becky R. (UIC). They shared on Isaiah 54:1-17, with the key verse 10, “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” They reflected on how they received peace from Jesus through their busyness and struggles at work, school, ministry, and family lives. Becky R. shared her graduation testimony. Praise God for being with her and giving her peace throughout her college years. Pray for her next steps, and pray for the Northwestern ministry to faithfully serve our Lord Jesus in the coming year.

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